Tonight I went to my first parenting class ever. A very smart and wonderful lady is offering this class for cheap for parents and staff and I think others who may be interested at my school for 5 weeks in the evening. She is teaching from the Love and Logic curriculum.
I am so exited to be able to learn techniques on how to be a better parent and guess what the first lesson was? How to stop the whining and arguing. Aren't I lucky for that to be my first lesson. I have been wanting help on this for waaaaaaay too long.
I am so exited to give this a try. Tonight was a great night with Dacian though so I have nothing to report. I really thought I could practice right away though. :) I am sure I will tomorrow. I wish Shane and my parents could also attend just so we can all be on the same page. Wouldn't that be wonderful. I don't think I am going to get my wish though. :(
I will report back with results, good ones I hope.
Ta ta!
2 days ago
Madi, ce marfa clasa!!! Cred ca e mult mai interesant si folositor sa faci o clasa decat doar sa citesti materiale pe tema asta (cum fac eu :-)) So happy you're excited and learn awesome tips. I need them to, so share please. Eu cel putin acum incerc sa folosesc distraction and redirection techinques ;-) cand Ella nu asculta (Si timeout bineinteles)TE pup!
Da, e foarte interesant. Imi place tot ce e legat de cresterea copiilor. E frumos ca te pune in grupuri cu alti parinti si afli ce metode folosesc si ei. De abia astept sa incerc noile cunostinte. :) Prima e: Use empathy first after kids misbehave, like: Oh that is so sad, Bummer..., Ohhh...this is hard in your most serious, sweet, not sarcastic voice. Then deliver consequences.
I love "love and logic"!! I took lots of parenting classes when I went to education week last year, and this technique is my favorite. I wish I would be better at putting into practice though! :)
Cool, I do that sometimes, but should do it more!
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