5 days ago
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Baby come out!!!
OK, I am so ready to have this baby. I am big enough that at 38 weeks I probably have an 8 pounder in there. I am even embarrased to post pictures of myself. Not that I gained that much weight but the baby sure did. Anyway, everyone please pray for me that this baby comes soon and also advice on getting him or her here soon would be appreciated.
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I used castor oil for baby #1 and #2, not so pleasant, but it works.
For #3 I used 5W herbs/pills. You need to start using that around week 36, but it can't help to start now either. It softens everything up, and gets you ready faster. Good luck!
Succes! Cu siguranta ne vom ruga pentru tine! Sincera sa fiu, nu incerca nimic. Cand vrea sa vina, o sa vina. Cu Zach am mers 6 mile pe jos repede si nu am avut nici o contractie! Stii ce e, sau va fi o surpriza?
I am soooo excited for you! Can't wait to see her.
(I think it's a girl)
Go for a really long walk. Well, maybe just down the street. Your side will start aching and later that night you'll go into labor- or your water will break.
Seriously, that might not be recommended, but if your up to it- try.
My recommendation is to make yourself as comfortable as possible. I tried all the old wives' tales: spicy food, jumping on the trampoline, very long walks, etc. All I did was give myself heart burn, terrible leg cramps, and complete misery! Lily would have waited an additional 3 days if the doctor hadn't induced me. The baby will come when the baby is ready. Baby yourself as much as you can: long hot baths, lay down with your feet up, and eat whatever foods you enjoy!
Thank you all for your comments. It's a long wait but I know eventually the baby will come.
I did used a lot of methods too last time and nothing worked. I am scared to try castor oil. I did try these evening primrose oil capsules that seems to work according to my midwife since I am dilated to a 3cm. However that can still mean more waiting so who knows. Patience is a virtue and I have to figure it out to make it part of my life at this time. :)
Wish I had some good advice, sorry! I will say lots of prayers for you! Hang in there and let me know if there is anything I can do!
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