Saturday, August 29, 2009

9 months

I keep forgetting to blog about this. I got this yummy coconut cake and quickly and unprofessionally decorated it. We do this every month. For some reason this month we let Lavinia eat some cake.

I must say she loved it.

And so did her brother. He has been the happiest with this tradition I must say.

And here she is standing up all by her self. I wonder when she'll walk. Dacian beat her by a month so far.


Holly Wilcox said...

beautiful pic of you with Lavinia. I can't believe that tiny girl! She can do it all.

Maddy S said...

I can't wait until she walks so I don't have to hold her so much. I know then I will have to run after her. She is a good girl though, a lot easier than Dacian was at that age.

Jessica said...

Wow, time flies. I can't believe she's already 9 months! Is that a Romanian tradition, a cake every month?

Maddy S said...

It's just a tradition that my mom invented since she loves to bake and to party. She had a cake a month fort he first year for both my brother and I and had friends over. She was missing company I think with being alone with kids all day. She started the cake thing with my kids too. Only I buy most of the time. I am too tired to bake. :)

real? said...

she's adorable. look at her just eating up that cake! she's a sugar baby, just like mine.

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