I have been limiting my computer time. I am starting to LOVE it! I once read about people feeling depressed while reading others' blogs or just spending too much time on the computer! I guess that's me. The less I read or the less time I spend of FB, blogs, checking email the better I feel. It's like I just live my life, a little less comparing, a lot more time spend with the kids/husband, a lot less pressure. It's not easy to do though as I know I am addicted. There's sure some fun things to read on the internet.
Also I always hear about people comparing their bad days to people's best days. And of course everyone highlights the best in life (me included) and since I have kind of a poor self esteem then I always end up feeling bad, a not so amazing mother, a not so good wife, friend, worker etc. I just start focusing on what I do wrong, what I lack, and so on and until I get depressed. I think if I spend less time reading how to be a good mother for example which I think I already know the theory to that one then maybe I will become better, be more patient, etc.
Maybe it's just me and I'm going nuts. I am so tired as I'm writing this with a huge headache so maybe I'm going to delete this post tomorrow altogether. But I think I need to try to break this addiction. That's not to say I won't hop on and read my friend's blogs, look at pics, etc but I will do it less often. I will do it after I make dinner, spent time with the family, finished dishes, homework with D, etc.
I sometimes think that I hop on the internet to unwind, like watching a movie but it's different. It's amazing how much thinking starts to happen in my brain after reading articles, ideas, etc. It's like it's crowding my brain and I can't be present anymore. Does that even make sense? It's like sensory overload. And it's almost like having ADD, jump from site to site, tab to tab, checking FB again and again for new news only to be disappointed that no one wrote anything. It's like my custom breaking news that I check.
I do like writing on the blog, my little creative outlet. (not that I'm all that creative or that I get to write all that often but you get the idea). We are the editors, we write, we edit, we are in charge.
I will be back sometime though and report with how I'm doing. Wish me luck! Bad habits are tough to break and good ones hard to make. :)
2 days ago
Not so weird or random at all. I think you are right on the ball. I feel exactly the same way, but am struggling to overcome my addiction. It doesn't help that I have 6 hours per day sitting at work having nothing else to do. FB has started to loose its charm, since most of the time the "news" isn't all that interesting. Now, I just scan through it quickly. Blogs are still (and will always be fun to read), as longs as I limit on blogs from strangers. Sometimes I spend so much time on the internet, that I wonder what else I used to do. Pathetic huh? I guess I used to clean my house, play with my kids, and hang out with friends.... You can do it!
I know what you're talking about. FB (in my opinion) is a huge waste of time, therefore I don't have an acct there. I like to read blogs, but I usually limit it to early morning and that's about it. Life is crazy and busy as it is. There are way more important things to do than waste my time like that. You are an amazing woman, Madi!!! Don't you EVER doubt that!!! I know it's easy to compare ourselves with others, especially when we're down and super tired (that's the worst), but you are who you are and no one else can ever be like you. You're beautiful, smart, amazing, etc, etc, etc. Pupici!
Ditto Madi! You're not the only one feeling like this. I used to be like that - reading other people's blogs and FB statuses and thinking WOW, how can they do so much etc - until Ben said to me "It's good to admire other people and want to be better, but not to the point where it makes you depressed!". I think that was the point when I started to change.So it can work for you too! :) Pres. Uchtdorf said about comparing ourselves to others - you tend to always compare your weaknesses to their strengths! So true! But not fair, right? You have your own strengths and talents that no one else has! And you know that everyone has their weaknesses! About blogging, just like you said - we tend to highlight our best moments (I do the same; the not so good moments are bad enough, why write about them and remember them?). So good luck with your goal my friend! You are unique and beautiful and a daughter of God! Te pup si te iubesc! :)
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