Monday, December 14, 2009

Ugh oh!

After Dacian and I got back from the hair salon I saw that there was a big light in Lavinia's room. I asked Shane if he went in there to play with her and he said no. I quietly went in and this is what I saw. She climbed/fell out of bed, played I am sure, turned on the little light I have down on a small chair and then... well, a box will do for going to bed, right? I am so glad she didn't get hurt.
The box was there more as a garbage can which I was just about to throw away. I had some little papers in it and a slightly wet diaper. I found all of this stuff outside of the box. At least she cleaned her bed before going in it. :)

1 comment:

Cristina Karekar said...

oh no! Funny but so glad she didn't get hurt! You gotta watch her to see if she is climbing out of her crib all by little cute self!

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