This is how life has been over the past week. It's all about I my job. I work as the office manager of an elementary school. This year we started construction of a new building (done in 2013 sometime) and we got a new principal, a new secretary, new teachers, adding new classes left and right.The building is looking pretty terrible right now. Boxes everywhere, bulldozers everywhere outside (there is a good fence where kids can't go to), anyway you get the idea, CRAZY.
Today we posted our class lists and of course more madness. We have been getting lots of help and even though it was crazy it also seemed to come together in the end.
We did get our internet, phone and toilets working finally. Meetings are out of the way, now we are all looking forward with anticipation to the first day of school.
And while all this is going on I have my own son, my first kid starting school. He couldn't be more excited. We got his supplies, backpack and new clothes a few weeks ago which made it seem like an eternity until school started. It just takes so long here to start school. We get out so late, end of June so we start late.
My new principal was so nice and insisted I go be there for my son's kindergarten orientation today while definitely I was needed at my own school. Our new secretary was a trooper and braved the craziness with so much patience. She did great and learned so many new things in such a short time.
So today I met D's teacher. I am a little disappointed I have to say. She's a new teacher so maybe she is just too green but we got to her classroom and she was just sitting there, no connecting with parents, or students. I had to go up to her and take Dacian to go say hi to her. It makes me sad for not taking Dacian to my school where I know how cool our teachers are. I saw them get down to the kids' level today and talking to the kids and parents A LOT.
I just hope this first impression is a passing one and that she'll be a good teacher after all. It will be interesting. Dacian is doing just half day this year.
I saw a familiar face there, a friend for an other ward I attended a little while back. She's cool and I like all her kids so my son hopefully befriends her son.
So that's it for tonight.
I am too excited to even go to sleep. It's like adrenalin hasn't worn off from today's events. I feel like I didn't accomplish anything, and hopefully I didn't look grumpy.
So school's starting soon and hopefully I also get to go to my son's first day of Kindergarten as well.
Dacian going to his kindi orientation
Dacian and his friends plus sister
6 hours ago
What a nice principal/boss!
How sad that the teacher wasn't excited to greet the parents and students! I hope your first impression turns out to be wrong.
Now that's CRAZY! Kudos to you for being on top of things with everything! It's nice to have such an awesome boss too!:)
And that's so strange that the teacher wouldn't greet the kids and the parents! I hope she was simply too overwhelmed by the first day and that she'll turn out to be great eventually. Daci looks soooo cute! :)
Agree, Dacian is a sweetie, love his hair and the hawaian shirt he's sporting! Hopefully his teacher will turn out good inspite of your first impression. Agree, they may feel overwhelmed themselves and being so green, maybe it's to be expected. Congrats on staying abreast all the preps and tasks at your school, sure sounds like a ton of work and with construction and all, I can only imagine the stress. Mult succes in noul an scolar! I had my first sedinta cu parintii ieri! :) pupici!!
Why can't Dacian go to your school? E's kinder teacher lives out of district, but her kids go to the school where she teaches. I hope his teacher gets better. I think I would talk to the principal about her...
On a positive note- you are so good at your job! Yay for Dacian starting school. WHat a cute guy- he will do great!
I could bring him to my school but I would have to pay for daycare before and after school since I start and end before and after school ends. At our home school he gets a bus and my parents are home to greet him. I hope all will be OK. He's such a social kid I tend to think nothing would even bother him. We'll wait and see though. If the problem persists I will talk to the principal. I even know her.
You accomplished TONS on Thursday - the whole massive inventory transfer for one - all while everyone wanted a piece of you. Talk about multi-tasking! You did an outstanding job as usual.
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