Wow! I don't know if it's Dacian's school or what but do they really do poetry in Kindergarten (as in writing it themselves by the end of the grade)? Good grief!
I was impressed by how well organized the teacher was and the school as a whole. The area in which we live is a pretty affluent one so much so that apparently in years past kids were taken to school on horses. There are lots of people with land and horses near where we live which is pretty weird for how big and crowded the city is. I like it though; at times we have to stop at crosswalk for a horsie to go by.
Anyway, the presentation was great. I felt like it was a little over the top to impress us parents more than anything else.
The school I work at is so different and yet they are in the same district. I have to say I like where I work better. It feels like more down to earth but of course I am biased since I work there. I love the people I work with.
It will take some adjustment to love another school but I will try my best to change my attitude and involve myself in what I can for the love of my child.
Outside the classroom there was an adorable picture Dacian drew. All kids actually did such a cute job. They were asked to draw something from the room that they saw and he chose the EGOL (that's what he spelled it like-eagle) I took a pic of it with my phone but haven't downloaded it yet. It was CUTE!
The teacher was very sweet and well organized and seemed to be more comfortable. Yay! Dacian loves her. He comes home so happy every day. So what more can I ask for?
We will have parent-student-teacher conferences soon to set goals and we will meet again in January to talk about how he's doing.
It's interesting how even though I work for a school I am still a newbie parent with a first time child in school.
I really wish I could go into different teacher's rooms to see their teaching style, etc. That would be fun. I will plan to volunteer a bit through the year on some of my personal days. Can't wait!
Let's see, what else is new? Oh yeah, I am sick! Ugh! I started feeling it on Sunday late and then woke up really sick on Monday morning so I stayed home that day. Then I went to work Tuesday but only stayed the first half of day. Today I stayed home again. I went to the pharmacy after talking to the dr. who prescribed me some albuterol and codeine for my cough. After last year when I got sick a lot, I feel like something has changed with me. Can someone develop asthma this late in life? I feel like I have a very tight chest and that I get the same type of cough and symptoms I got last year.
Anyway, not fun. I really hope I can sleep tonight.
Lavinia got sick too but she's fighting it better than I. D got sick two days into Kindergarten.
On another note. My little girl is growing up. She calls herself big all the time now and asks if she can too go to school.
Even since that day when she decided she'd go potty she went every time after that. This is a miracle to me. She is even dry every morning. So to celebrate her biggness today we changed her crib to the toddler bed option. She was over the moon. I am big, I am big, she would sing.
I was able to squeeze next to her in the little bed and read her bedtime story as opposed to standing up and reading it to her. She was so excited. Then I told her because she is big like her brother she needed to sleep now. That was it. I walked out of there and withing minutes she was off in dreamland. I sneaked in to give both kids some kisses. I just LOVE being a mom, even sick and with no energy like I've been this week.
Also I was able to pick up Dacian from the bus and put him on in the morning. This will be so rare that it was such a sweet treat for me.
Well, off to bed I go. It's late but because I've been sleeping on and off today I am still not that sleepy. Maybe the codeine will kick in soon to help with that.
2 days ago
I'm so sorry you're sick! I hope you feel better soon!
Wow! Dacian's school sounds out of this world! I'm glad though that everyone seems to do their best and the kids get to do so much stuff. And Lavinia, what a sweetheart!!!:)
Te pup!
Nice post, Maddy. I really hope you get feeling better soon. Your symptoms do sound like asthma... You can go have a check-up at the allergist office. That's how Ella was diagnosed in her early years, having had to go through numerous colds that would cause a lot of chest tightness, difficulty breathing and the need to use asthma rescue medication (i.e. albuterol.) It could be cold induced, if the weather cooled down over there or some other allergen, or just because a cold virus. If you do have that, although I hope you don't, preventive medication will help keep it under control and when you get a cold you won't have such an issue. Anyway, hope you feel better soon. That's so fun about Daci's school. It's great you get two different perspectives, approaches on things. Writing poetry, that's so cool!! :) Lavi is a sweetie, love those pictures you took, I think it brings up her awesome personality from what you're describing her to be like :)Volunteering is great, although I'm such a newbie at it, I look forward to all the classroom events. I signed up to be a room mom/rep & volunteer in the library once a week. Phew, kind of a lot but we'll see how it goes. Pupici multi si multa sanatate! (scuze ca am scris un "roman" aici!!)
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